Red Rock Water Systems | Las Vegas Water Filtration Company

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How To Conserve Water During Summer/Drought Season?

Summertime means blistering heat in many parts of the country, especially Las Vegas. Water treatment systems can offer clean drinking water, but you may need to worry about conservation during a drought. Here are some tips on how to conserve water during summer.

How To Conserve Water During Summer

Hand Water Your Garden And Shrubs

During droughts, hand watering your garden is important to save water. You want to ensure your plants get the moisture they need, but you should do so responsibly. Observe the beds closely and only water if the soil needs it. With closer attention, you can save water and provide better care to your plants.

Check and Fix Leaks Your Home Plumbing

In times of drought, every drop counts. A leaky faucet or toilet may not seem like a big deal under normal circumstances. However, those small leaks can really add up. So don't let the water go to waste. Fix these leaks as soon as possible.

Don't Leave The Water Running

Conserving water should be a priority for every family. We can all make small changes to our daily routine that will impact our water usage. For example, turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. You should also turn off any faucet when it is unattended.People often overlook running toilets. However, they can waste dozens of gallons over a year. Most issues with running toilets are simple fixes, so you might be able to do it yourself.

Keep a Pitcher of Drinking Water In Your Fridge

One of the easiest ways to reduce water waste is to stop running the tap to get colder water. Instead, try keeping a cold pitcher in the fridge! You can fill it up once a day or every couple of days. With a pitcher in the fridge, you'll always have cold, refreshing water to drink. It will be more convenient while also helping you conserve water.

Always Run a Full Clothes and Dishwasher

Only running half a load in the laundry machine or dishwasher wastes a lot of water. Even if the machines have a setting for half loads, it still uses more water per item. By only running full loads, you can conserve water during summer. Additionally, when your appliances run less frequently, you'll save money on your energy bill.

Need Home Water Products in Las Vegas?

Contact the Red Rock Water Systems team to learn more about home water products. We are a local company with 22 years of experience with water systems. We would be happy to offer a free estimate or provide more information.Thanks for visiting!