• You can purchase water conditioners that do not use salt. Other filtration technologies and techniques exist. However, what makes a water softener a water softener is that it uses salt. Traditional water softener technology kind that uses salt-produces a better conditioning effect than the majority of other water treatment options. So, if you want a true water softener, buy one that uses salt.

  • Water softeners use salt to neutralize the chemicals, namely calcium and magnesium ions, that cause hard water. The elements in salt react with the ions, pull them apart, and create new salt-like substances that do not harm your plumbing, appliances, clothes, or skin. For the most part, the salt in your softener stays in your softener, but some sodium does escape.

    This marginal percentage of escaping sodium has led to the myth that water softeners put too much sodium in your body and that sodium leads to inflammation and other health problems. However, only trace amounts of sodium leak into your pipes. So little of it enters your water that it could not affect your health in any way.

  • Your body needs magnesium and calcium, which softeners remove. Because of this function, many people believe that water softeners make them less healthy. However, the magnesium and calcium in your tap water often come in chemical compounds that your body cannot absorb anyway. Additionally, you already get enough magnesium and calcium in your diet, so you do not need the dose in your water.

  • Some water softeners do lower the water’s pH, and a Lower pH does technically count as acidic. However, this technology does not turn your water into a dangerous acid that could harm your body or your plumbing. Your softener simply removes bicarbonates and Leaves carbon dioxide behind, and carbon dioxide Lowers the pH from a seven to a six. A six still counts as a neutral, not an acid.

  • Hard water Leaves a calcium and magnesium film on your skin. Softened water does not. The reason you feel filmy when you bathe in softened water is that you actually have clean skin, and that skin feels softer and less dried out. You do not have a film on you.

  • Again, your skin feels slippery after you bathe not because you have soap or a film on your skin, but because you’ve achieved a more thorough clean. Your softener removes problem chemicals that normally counteract your bath soap and shampoo.

  • Again, water softeners remove calcium and magnesium. Some remove iron. However, these treatment systems do not purify your water. If you have concerns about heavy metals and biological toxins, invest in a purifier instead. Myth #8: Water Softeners Cost a Lot of Money Water conditioners, softeners, and filters become more affordable all the time. Browse what your Local experts offer and shop online to find the best deal for your needs. You will not regret purchasing a water softener. For more information about softeners and other filtration systems, have a look at our blog.

  • It’s easy to understand why people make this mistake. However, you are not drinking salt water if you install a water softener in your home. You’ll indeed need water softener salts, but you shouldn’t taste salt in your water. Water softeners use an ion exchange process to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium, which make the water hard. A special media stored in a mineral tank makes this process possible. That media is charged with sodium ions, which replace the hard minerals in your water. So it isn’t salt (NaCl) that gets added to your water, it’s sodium (Na). Watch animated videos about how our water softeners work.

  • How much sodium a water softener adds to your water depends on how hard your home’s water is in the first place. That being said, the typical amount of sodium in softened water is too small to have any sort of negative impact on your health. The Mayo Clinic states on its website that “the added sodium shouldn’t be an issue for most healthy adults.” Check out the chart below. It compares the amount of sodium in softened water to common foods. As you can see, soft water adds a small amount of sodium to your diet when compared to everything else we eat. However, not everyone likes the taste of softened water, but they don’t want to deal with hard water problems either. Thankfully, there are options. You could separate the tap you use for drinking and cooking from your system while still getting the advantages of soft water for cleaning, bathing, and laundry. Better yet, you could install a reverse osmosis system to get pure and refreshing drinking water straight from a faucet at your sink.

  • Water softeners are specifically designed to reduce the hardness of water. They do an excellent job of removing minerals and metals that cause scale and create all sorts of household headaches. However, water softeners do not filter out all contaminants. This is another reason why you may need a reverse osmosis system for the water your family consumes. You can also look into other types of in-home filtration systems to deal with iron and sulfur issues. We like to remind people that “sometimes you need to get good water before you can have great water.”

  • When some people hear how water softeners remove calcium and minerals they think the softening process is taking away important nutrients. After all, calcium and magnesium can benefit things like bone health. The truth is that the calcium and magnesium deposits in hard water are inorganic minerals, which don’t provide the same benefits as obtaining minerals from food or supplements. The calcium and magnesium in hard water cannot be easily absorbed by the cells in your body. Plants can transform inorganic minerals into an organic state, which is why you need to eat your veggies, but drinking hard water won’t do much for adding minerals to your diet.

  • It’s easy to understand why people make this mistake. However, you are not drinking salt water if you install a water softener in your home. You’ll indeed need water softener salts, but you shouldn’t taste salt in your water. Water softeners use an ion exchange process to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium, which make the water hard. A special media stored in a mineral tank makes this process possible. That media is charged with sodium ions, which replace the hard minerals in your water. So it isn’t salt (NaCl) that gets added to your water, it’s sodium (Na). Watch animated videos about how our water softeners work.

  • It’s true that some water softeners can waste water and salt during the regeneration process. This is a cycle your system goes through to re-charge the media with sodium ions. Today, there are high efficiency models available to homeowners. For instance, Water-Right has developed a unique technology called W.E.T. (Water Efficient Technology) available on their Evolve® and WaterCare® products, which help save money and energy by learning your home’s water needs and using only the amount of water and salt that’s necessary for regeneration. There are also other ways in-home filtration can help the environment. Soft water is more efficient at cleaning, which means you’ll use less detergent and chemical-filled cleaning products, which in turn reduces water pollution. Plus, when you have a reverse osmosis system, you can stop buying water in plastic bottles. The environmental impact of bottled water is huge!

  • Putting a water softener in your home will require an initial investment. However, it will save you quite a bit of your hard earned money in the long run. Yes, your water softener will use electricity, you’ll have to buy salt, and it will need to be serviced on occasion. But in reality, water softeners put much more money back in your pocket. Perhaps the biggest savings come from your water heater. These appliances operate much better on soft water while hard water makes them inefficient and forces you to run the water heater at a higher temperature. That’s one way a water softener will lower your utility bills while extending the life of appliances.

    Water softeners help keep other appliances running longer, too. Soft water reduces the amount of laundry detergent you use to clean clothes by more than 50 percent, and prevents colors from fading.

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The Elite Water Softener Series, available in RRWS-CLK-1.0, 1.5, 2.0, offers customizable water treatment for various household sizes.

  • Superior Softening: Each model features high-grade 10% crosslink ion exchange resin for effective hardness removal, resulting in softer skin, hair, cleaner clothes, and extended appliance life.

  • Complete Package: Includes advanced Clack control head, standard brine tank, 2 months of softener salt, tax, labor, all parts for professional installation, and a 10-year warranty on tanks, control head, and softener media.

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Whole House Carbon Filter System: RRWS-WF-Series

The RRWS-WF-Series Whole House Carbon Filter eliminates chlorine, THMs, organic contaminants, industrial pollutants, bad taste, and odors, providing clean water at every tap.

  • Efficient Design: Features a Polyglass Mineral tank with gravel underbedding and an In/Out head design, ensuring even water distribution and eliminating water waste from backwashing.

  • Complete Package: Price includes tax, labor, all necessary parts for installation on existing loop, professional installation, and a 10-year warranty on the tank and control head, and a 5-year warranty on the carbon media.

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Ultimate Softener Duo: RRWS-USD-Series

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  • Enhanced Benefits: Enjoy softer skin and hair, cleaner clothes, and longer appliance life with high-capacity ion exchange resin and Granular Activated Carbon.

  • Complete Package: Includes professional installation, tax, labor, all necessary parts, and a comprehensive warranty for peace of mind.

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